Mamta is a non profit voluntary organization working in the field of Health & sustainable development since February, 1992. Since its inception, Mamta has effectively launched & completed several development projects in more than 2000 villages and 200 city slums. In principle, we strive for sustainable development through primary health care, Adult Literacy including legal literacy, diversified agriculture, gender empowerment and community participation. Besides implementing various activities directly by the organization, the organization works with a network of NGOs in Uttarakhand & Western Uttar Pradesh, India.

Date of Operation : January 1991

Date of Registration : 5th Feb. 1992

Legal Status:
Registered Society under Societies Registration Act, Registered with Ministry of Home Affairs–FCRA (to receive foreign funds) & income Tax Act Section –12 A.

Reaching to the disadvantaged people of the Society

We visualize a healthy society where children, women and disadvantaged people such as poorest among the poor, handicapped, people in remotest inaccessible villages, especially in upper hills, get equal opportunity to grow and exercise their rights in terms of having better access on all essential services, particularly health care and sustainable development.


Enhance capacity and confidence of poor and disadvantaged people to have access on essential services, particularly women and children of weaker section of the society with comprehensive health care services and sustainable development interventions with the help of all the stakeholders in the field of health and development. Our mission is reaching un-reached people with right message, right service at the right time.


  • To Create an environment in the state of Uttarakhand, Western U.P. and Himachal with the help of all stakeholders for better health care, girl child education and sustainable development of the poor, particularly women and girls of weaker sections.
  • To Develop a cadre of community leaders and volunteers in un-served areas, particularly in high altitude and inaccessible rural/tribal areas with the help of CSOs, NGOs and PRIs to provide timely and quality services to the needy people, particularly women, adolescent girls, children and other disadvantaged people.
  • To Initiate livelihood and income generation activities among poor women and disadvantaged people through skill development, functional vocational trainings and encouraging them for small entrepreneurships.
  • To form safety net groups for Adolescent Girls/women Empowerment and prevent any kind of violence against them
  • To establish and run a Drop in Centre cum Safe Space for adolescent girls/Young women.

To achieve our Vision/Mission and objectives we have conducted activities on following issues in the past 28 years:

  • Reproductive Child Health including Nutrition, Pulse Polio Programme, Vitamin A Administration, Iodine Deficiency Control Program, Diarrhoea Management, TB, STD, HIV/AIDS etc in more than 1000 villages of Uttarakhand and western U.P.
  • Women Empowerment through advocacy for their rights, legal literacy, health and nutrition, Women Land Rights, Livelihoods activities, vocational trainings, Income generation, Leadership & Skill Development, formation of women and adolescent girls SHGs, Microfinance initiatives for poor women for their small entrepreneurships in more than 500 villages of Uttarakhand and U.P.
  • Enhancing capacity and skill of Adolescent girls groups through trainings on family life education, health, nutrition, Education for out of school girls, awareness about their rights, vocational and career guidance in 120 villages of Dehradun and Boarder district Chamoli.
  • We have successfully completed our project called “Garhwal Health & Development Package : 2000” on key components of Primary Health Care in 30 blocks of Garhwal Division, Saharanpur & Haridwar, covering more than 400 villages, implemented through 17 networking agencies.
  • Health Education Project with primary school children and community in 40 villages of Block Ghat, District Chamoli to promote proper health and hygiene practices among school children and their families.
  • Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme with students’ of class 8-12 and community in 4 districts of western U.P., covering 62 colleges and more than 600 villages with the support of Govt of U.P. and UNICEF, Lucknow to educate the students and community the consequences of iodine deficiency disorders and promote use of iodine salt to use at their households to prevent IDD.
  • Mamta Samajik Sanstha has been a Sub Recipient(SR) for GFATM TB Project for 3 years under the Union and carried out the following interventions in 5 districts of western UP and 13 districts of Uttarakhand. All the activities were conducted in close association with the state and district level TB department.
  • Organizing trainings for the networks of local NGOs in consultation with RNTCP, to serve as a mechanism to reach CBOs and communities.
  • Mobilize, sensitize and advocate with existing village development committees, schools, women groups, SHGs and other CBOs.

Girl Child Education Initiatives:

The Mamta – CSR Girl Child Learning Centers “Hamari Beti Shiksha Kendra” – (supported by the TITAN Kanya – Girl Child Education Initiative and MPS Limited) were operational in 116 villages of two states Uttarakhand and Himachal at District Dehradun and Sirmour respectively for 4 years. The focus of the Girl Child Learning Centres program was to create a nurturing and supportive environment for out of school girl children between the ages of 6-14 years and to sufficiently educate them and help them enroll in mainstream schools. We were teaching more than 3500 out of school girls and out of which more than 2500 girls were sent to mainstream schools. Beside this, we sensitized them on health, nutrition and gender issues including their rights.

Women Safety Net Project:

Overall Goal:

  • Prepare enabling environment where Village is safe and fear free place for girls/young mothers against all kind of violence against them

Project Purpose:

  • Girl /women empowerment, prevention of violence against girl/young women and Establishment of a Drop in Center for adolescent girls/women in Dehradun
  • The respective villages are safer for girls.
  • To ensure sustainability of this safe environment by means of safety nets at the village level through MSW (Men Standing up for Women) and Mahila Panchayat


  1.  Established a drop in centre (Short stay home) for girls/women at Kehrigaon, Premnagar, Dehradun
  2.  Select and Mentor the villages level MSW (Men Standing up for Women) activists
    and Mahila Panchayat members
  3.  Formation of Safety net groups in the villages to stop any kind of violence against women and girls, particularly domestic violence.
  4. Conduct Reproductive and Child Health trainings and leadership trainings for village women and girls to enhance their knowledge and capacity to get equal status in their families and society.
  5. Conduct sensitization workshop about govt. welfare & women protection schemes and programmes
  6. Conduct violence mitigation interventions by these groups.

Nai Asha- Skill development for Livelihoods and Income Generation

“NAYI ASHA” (A Ray of Hope) is an initiative of Mamta Samajik Sanstha (MSS) to bring change in the lives of under privileged girls and women of the society. Skill development centers are being operated by Mamta Samajik Sanstha, for Girls and young women in the villages of Sahaspur and Vikasnagar blocks of district Dehradun, Uttarakhand. MSS has opened training centers at Choi & Rampur, Kehri gaon. Dhalipur, Sabhawala, Jattowala Majri, Majri, Sherpur, Kunja to provide trainings on Beautician, Computer and Sewing. “NAYI ASHA’’ hopes to cater to the needs of adolescent girls and women to help these girls and young women become more employable, gain access to a variety of opportunities and attain financial independence.

Free Health checkup camps are also being conducted under the “NAYI ASHA” project with the help of medical team of Subharti Hospital and Medical College,Dehradun. Health camp brings health awareness in people and fosters them towards their health care. The people who are not in the position to spend money on their Blood test, Bio chemistry tests and checkup got benefits through these camps. It is just a beginning. We will scale it up gradually and slowly. From time to time, meetings are being conducted with the people in the village by the MSS team and health issues of women are discuss with them.


  1. Education for Women & Girls of Disadvantaged communities
  2. Health and Nutrition for Women & Girls
  3. Skill Enhancement for Women & Girls
  4. Rights of Women & Girls

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